Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Write about That Later. Wait, Now I Don't Remember!

I have this conversation with myself, no lie, every single time I go to write.  At random moments throughout the day I come up with these really great little comparisons.  These really great little ways of seeing some kind of special moment in my kids' lives.  And then, when the moon and the stars all align and I get five silly little minutes to write, I can barely write my name, let alone remember what it was that I had to say.

I am sure this is a common Mommy and Daddy writer thing.  Surely God's sense of humor is that He gives me all kinds of divinely inspired words, and no way to remember them when the time comes.  I have a sneaking suspicion that this is early Alzheimer's disease, and one day my family will look back and say, "remember when she was at home with the kids and they kept wetting through their diapers because she forgot to change them?" or something.  Oh, that doesn't happen.  Oh wait, yes it does, but only with Carson, and only because his damn diaper works so well he doesn't tell me it's wet until he's soaked through his pants and the couch cushion.  Oh and if you spend time on our couch, please forget that you read that here.

I am told the best way to combat the Mommy-Writer brain is to carry a--- oh, don't say it.  Not the old-school device-- yep-- a PEN and a note card or small pad.  I mean, it's not like I'm chiseling the damn words in stone, but there are all of those dreaded pen and ink excuses, like I hate my penmanship and it's not very cool, and can't I just type it instead?  A friend suggested leaving myself a voicemail or voice note on my phone.  I am sure my phone has some sort of memo function, but I've not figured it out yet, and since it is not a super fangled iPhone, I don't care to invest any time in figuring it out because some day I am going to get an iPhone and blah blah blah, really these are all just excuses to not write.  So, instead, you'll have to settle for my second rate ideas here on the blog, and I'll spend a little extra time complaining about it, because that is what I do best.

This week I'm working on getting my camera out when I see cute moments with the kids.  I don't know what I'll really do with all these pictures, but what is that rule about memory and the price of it (computer memory, not human), doubling and halving every 6 months?  Well, essentially, there is no limit to how many I can hold onto between now and the day they leave the nest, so I figure I will just keep snapping away so that someday, I can find those clever words I will one day have time to write down about each and every one of those moments.
Easter Morning- He's feeding me a Peep. 
Ok, I think this is the same Peep, but who's counting? 

For now-- here's a few pictures of the kiddos in their nearly current state-- a few weeks ago perhaps, but still.  Cue the "Awwww!"

Daddy's girl.  Such a sweet moment.

Amelia is sure to think we just left her on this mat for her entire first three months, with all the photos we have of her on it-- it's either this or her bouncy chair!! 

1 comment:

  1. We left Isla in the "smart machine" for months, too. Enjoy it until she starts rollin'!

    She's super sweet so we'll forgive her for robbing you of all your writing brain power.

    Miss you!
