Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa's Coming...

Well, we're all set for Christmas.  It's the first we'll have in our house with Carson, since last year we travelled to the islands for my work.  The extent of our decorations last year was a santa hat which we put on Carson while we were on the beach one day, but other than that, it didn't really feel like Christmas.  Don't get me wrong, 80 degrees and sunny is a nice way to spend Christmas, but for a Wisconsin girl, it's just not the same.

So this year we're doing it up.  Aside from the massive procrastination that kept us from putting up the Christmas lights outside on our house, we're pretty festive.  Those darn outdoor lights sat on the table in the foyer until the 22nd when I confronted reality and sent them back to the christmas box for next year.   If they went up at all this year, they wouldn't be coming down until June, once baby #2 arrives in January.  Hey, at least I'm a realist.

We did  manage to put up a tree and all the decor that goes with, and even enthusiastically baked a huge double batch of christmas cookies last weekend.  I really enjoyed that part, since Matt got to wear his arm out stirring the dough while I, perched on a stool at the kitchen island, gave instructions.   Man, I need to cook like that more often.  Our intent of course was to give away most of them, but I must say the plates for the neighbors are much smaller than I thought they'd be.  Where did they all go?

Carson is loving the tree.  We put all of the non-breakable ornaments on the lower branches and taught him each of their names.   It's a fun little game to play "where's the doggie? where's the angel? where's the snowman?" and is worth at least 10 minutes of entertainment every time.  Here is a picture of those first few moments of awe, when he was pointing to every christmas light bulb and naming the colors. Don't be too impressed, he's right about 50% of the time.  For a while there I thought he was red/green color blind because he kept mixing those two up.  It could be, however, that he is just 22 months and does not yet know his colors.  Oh, but where's the drama there?

Get a good look at the tree-- but if you miss stopping by our house at Christmas, just stop by this winter.   We're pretty sure it will be Valentines Day before it comes down.  That's tradition in my family anyway.  Good old times!!

Thanks for reading!

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